I enjoyed this event so much, especially on day 1, it was vibrant and it was truly a market place. I thought i'd share with you all the experience.
It was done in rows of 4 or 5 i think on a huge ground then separated the sitting areas, fashion show and eating areas
I loved these feathers so much, they are real feathers and I bought myself a pair of earrings I can't wait to adorn
Colourful dyed feathers
Interior merchants were also there although most of them were against pictures due to fear of copy cats. I love these pillows
Another one of my favourites and she had gorgeous scented candles
More rows
Bahati, I just had to go
The runway
A bit of the Sitting area
Day 2 people were so packed and ready to buy all over the place
Shoes aka Viatuzi were everywhere
Some entertainment LOL!
Fashionistas everywhere (I loved her hat but it was too hot to get out and take a pic of her)
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