Sunday, 28 October 2007

FT Exclusives...

I had a very busy week with work and graphics training plus some stuff that I had to deal with but I must say I had fun yesterday. I decided to host a day of FT fun with my people so that included, going around covent garden to the most fun places, a competition and offer of five minute shopping to get whatever they wanted in one of the vintage shops which was absolutely fun to see how when we went in the first time everybody new what they wanted but when it was time to compete they couldn't see anything. It's like those times you spend window shopping and plan that you will go back as soon as you get money and shop you socks off and when you do, you seem to not know what you want anymore!!Anyway, then we hopped off to the theater but the show was fully booked so we decided to hit waterloo and met this man playing reggae/soul jams and we broke onto a fun dance...well lets just say it was a fun day full of FT fun and i'm glad everyone appreciated it!!So this week, I am giving you some picks that makes FT..classy, fun and simple

I love L.A.M.B

This is a must have for's so me

This Winter/Fall has the most fabulous coats ever

I am growing quite fond of this long grecian dress

I love bags..

I am loving the look...warm and lovely as well as classy patterns

My look for college for sure

I just loved the mixture of black and red

My Little black dress

Plus size work time

Oooh My God, I am so in love with this look, it's fun yet classy..I don't know I seem to love classy fun

An outfit for all of you our there

Loving the strappy pumps

Oooh yeah skinny jeans get a pop up finish with the colours..I am personally looking for a purple and red

Pop up colours are so in, loving the yellow shoes

Without forgeting to let you know that patent bags are so in...and this is an example of a not so cheap looking patent.

My High end picks

and ooh yeah for my girl who wanted to see what I wore for my birthday...well I was wearing a vintage ensemble, I love simplicity that makes you look classy, what made me fall in love with this dress is the straps can be in a kris kros style or just normal straight and the buttons are so flashy that when I turn you think...Girl!!Anyway, I had fun..went to watch Chicago at the theater (hence the classy look), then my favourite Dinner, Thai ofcourse and finished it with club hopping around West End, only to realise I so prefer jazz bars/club to clubs, they are just so much more classy!!And Ooh yeah forgot to tell you..I was flaunting my strappy pumps!!

FT:"Fashion is beautiful when you know what you want" Wishing you all a good week.....

Create your own style...create your own classy comfort

A cute bubble sweater dress..loving it

I actually fell in love with the basket weave beanie, I'm still looking for my perfect Beanie

Love these croc shoes

well, mustard is on and this is lovely with your jeans, tee, and sweater and brown boots

Oooh I looove this dress especially the sleeves..and ohh yeah note those shoes

These are the new must haves...they are comfortable yet leave you looking classy me, you'll see

Sometimes a girl has got to have that long gown that just makes her look elegant..vintage love forever

Fingerless gloves ladies..seriously these are so funky and I am loving them..don't know about you

I Love Queen Latifah...Representing Big, Black and Beautiful

Queen Latifah says the definition of beauty is changing. “Beauty is not just a white girl. It’s so many different flavors and shades,” the 37-year-old rapper-actress tells People magazine in its latest issue. “It’s good for regular girls because the meter (for beauty) has been a slim white girl.”
“(In Hollywood) we’ve definitely gotten better with body type,” she says. “It used to be just me! Now with Jennifer Hudson’s success and America Ferrera, I got some successors to take the reins on this whole bodylicious thing.” Latifah describes herself as being voluptuous — “definitely curvaceous.”
“I think I’m normal compared to the statistics,” she says. “This is a big country nowadays.” The star of “Chicago” and other films says she had elective breast-reduction surgery in 2003 to alleviate years of back and shoulder pain. “I didn’t want to get it. But I had lost 25 pounds and my breasts didn't go anywhere! I was still carrying that load,” she tells the magazine. However, “I didn’t quite want them to be this small,” she laughs.
Before surgery, Latifah says she was “an E or an F cup. I was pretty big. Now I'm like a DD. I wanted to be a triple. They took one D too many! So that was hard to deal with. … I missed my old look.” Latifah says she isn’t interested in more surgery. “There are people who love (plastic surgery) and want to cut and chop anything. I’m like, `Y’all are crazy!’”

FT: "Beauty comes in all colours and sizes"

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

On another Note!!

I am gonna live you all with saying, have a wonderful rest of the week...and till next time there's always time to recover!!

Whitney came back looking fabulous at the The Swarovski Fashion Rocks Show in London..I must say that gown is stunning...and she is wearin it well!!

Kevin Hall does Africa for Spring 08

In the world of Fashion Designers we are in spring 08 and Mr Kevin Hall, I must say he gets a hands up for these exquisite designs which are sexy at the same time classy.

Prints are going to be in

Maasai, Inspired...absolutely beautiful

Maasai innovation...beautiful is all that I can say


Flaws with the wind yet grace on your body

Speechless...a beautiful design with beautiful finishing

African Invansion

Yes those are shorts

Cute ain't this is what I would love to see on a catwalk

I like, I like..indeed I like

Yes, it can be made

The art of invention and the art of adaptation which one describes you...??

Inspired By Miss Janet Jackson

Hello everyone, hope you had a lovely week, mine has been up and down and busy!!Anyway so, you all know I love Janet Jackson, she is as I always say humble, calm, fierce and can lure you into any emotion when listening to her songs.
Classy Couple indeed, see, love and happiness can foresee what you may call flaws
Classy indeed...I want I want...this is beautiful...check out the accessories just enough finishing touches
This is something I could do...especially for those ladies who love to go to fashion shows..well this is classy..make sure your hat doesn't annoy other's view (LOL). This petite lady is exquisite
This is a dress that Miss Jackson wore once and you can too if you want to
well..I love hats but I always feel overwhelmed so I dont..but if you want to steal miss J's look why not do this

With this
And finish it off with these wide legged and those high heeled shoes..don't forget a few finishing touches and you are done...
Thanks to miss Silvie

Friday, 19 October 2007

Diamonds are Forever...

Alicia in Giorgio Armani with the man himself at The Fashion Rock event yesterday in London, which I am so pissed I couldn't attend due to late working but hey fashion never stops

I love Laila Ali...a beautiful, powerful woman indeed...out and about in the US

While Mr Jackson graced London by Hosting the Fashion Rock event

I Love these girls especially Angela..and she is looking beautiful at an event in US

For Miss Zeze who requested a pic of the dress worn on my birthday...well I will put it up for you soon...patience please!!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Celebrate life in Style

So I wore a dress similar to this on my birthday but mine had straps...Fabulous

JHud in style and I'm loving it...Plus size beauties here is your example

Leather Jackets are a must and who rocks it best than your girl..Nia!!Oooh yeah on another note warm gold is coming back and is going to be this winters colour..I'm loving this combination Miss Long