Thursday, 7 June 2012

Arts and Crafts Market... Love

FT Easy Wear clients checking the collection out whilst setting up

We had a lovely Saturday the week before last at the Arts and Crafts Market, this time around it flowed to the garden at the back of the shopping centre. Giving it a garden market feel outside the Deli Supermarket and Pasta Kitchen. The market is by registration only and you must be giving back to the community in someway not for profit only. You'll find most of these things are made by less advantaged locals, disabled people or sales are given to a cause. I love that so much plus I discovered so many cool stuff which I wish I could buy all! Let me just say we as Tanzanians are so quick to adapt Western culture yet we have so much in our country, so much resources wasted until someone comes to do something with it that's when we wake up AHA! Enjoy the rest of the pictures after the jump...

There was music

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