Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Buy A Bracelet For a Text Book... @ FT Boutique

So at the Wonder Welder's event, I met a lovely girl called Leah who is doing her 

internship here (teaching at the Bibi Jan School in Mbagala). 

I was then introduced to:

The Bibi Jann School of Mbagala opened over ten years ago so as to provide an education

 to HIV/AIDS orphans that were being neglected by their community. While the teachers 

and administrators are working as hard as they can to educate their students, they are 

having trouble coming up with the money for all the materials necessary to running a 

school. The Bibi Jann School needs 650 textbooks, but they don't want to go about the 

regular and unsustainable route of aid and grants - they want to earn it! By making 

bracelets from local materials and selling them, the Bibi Jann School hopes to raise enough 

money to provide every student with English, Math, and Science textbooks. Without 

textbooks, students are often unable to review the covered material at home, and often 

times when the teachers attempt to assign homework, many questions and instructions are 

lost in the middle. The textbooks the school wants to use not only include fabulous lesson 

plans, notes, homework assignments, and sample work, but also happen to be published 

right here in Tanzania! After crunching the numbers, we found that if we could make and 

sell 300 bracelets for just 10,000 tsh each, we would be able to purchase the textbooks that 

will benefit the Bibi Jann School for years to come. Help provide funds for textbooks while 

encouraging sustainable support, and buy a beautiful bracelet today! 


weekend we managed to raise and the kids got 210 

text books 440 more to go and they'll be set!

This is the woman teaching the kids to make the bracelets

One of the kids trying her hand at making the bracelets

The incredible woman who gave her time to teaching the community who have decided to help how to make the bracelets

Kids, happy to make the bracelets

Finished and ready to sell for my books please!!

What intrigued me about this is the fact that they didn't wait to get help they worked for the help.

A great example, in my 3 almost 4 years in Tanzania I have noticed people always blame the government or someone else for every little thing when we can also help ourselves.

You are all very welcome to buy the bracelets Tshs. 10,000 only and they are unisex and pretty cool! I've got mine and you know piling of bracelets in different colours is the in thing : D

Thanks & Love,


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