Friday, 21 October 2011

Never stop challenging yourself

So I was reading an article today and it really made me think about each second I spend on earth. MMMmmh... As I said earlier I am a person who always needs to challenge myself to never get bored despite my weak immune system which I am trying hard to beat. Anyway I thought sharing is caring so here is what you can always ask yourself:

1. Is life monotone?
Is your life monotone? Is there little excitement or challenge? Do you feel an urge to try new things? Are you becoming restless? Admitting this is the first step in embarking on new things. Just ask yourself if you are ready to push yourself a bit.

2. What is calling out to you?
Have you always dreamed of running a marathon? Have you thought about tackling a fourteener? Are you itching to put your name in the running for a promotion? What have you considered in the past that you have never given much thought to? Write down some ideas to get you started. Now place a star next to the one that is calling out to you the loudest.

3. Move forward
Now that you have an idea of the challenge that you might want to embark on, it's time to take action. A goal is pointless if you don't detail and move forward with the action portion. Even if it is baby steps, you are doing something that you weren't doing before. So, don't beat yourself up if you don't move at a fast pace. Just list the steps that you would need to take to begin your journey.

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