Monday, 5 January 2009

New Year...Is it really New?

Whilst a lot of people have come back from holidays feeling fresh and rejuvenated and ready to take on the load of work waiting for them,
I have walked in feeling like being in my pyjamas, with a cup of tea in hand, with my scented candles giving me the calm aroma. At the same time doing all my work on my computer at home, in my little apartment faced by the beautiful Indian Ocean.(i'll keep dreaming...)

I didn't have a holiday, too many end of year campaigns to take care of. I did however spend my New year with my grandmother. I am happy about that, I love going to Tanga (that is where I was born). It is full of traditions and calm atmosphere... you can travel from one place to another in a few minutes only. One setback is bicycles... too many and they feel they have more privilege like cars. But the sound of home, with grandmothers talking as loud as if it is 1pm when it's 5am, waking up to prepare breakfast for us. Believe me breakfast in Tanga means (you can survive not eating till the day after). Only that they won't let you, cuz lunch here comes another meal full of flavours, evening is my favourite time. I light meal accompanied by tea and a lot of fruits.

How did your holiday go?

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