Saturday, 14 July 2007

Wedding wear ideas for your guests

We always wonder what to wear to weddings whether ones in day time or evening time, here some I would love for you to pick...

Light blue it up

Please do not wear a hat to an evening wedding, this is for those who are going to church or having an outside wedding

That green looks beautiful

My young ones, you don't have to look like an old bag when you go to wedding days

Nice and elegant...yes it's black but the sparkles bring it to life

Show some leg not too much don't wanna look trashy

Sleek elegance

I can see my mother in this

I've got a petit mother so..she would look beautiful in my chocolate theme

Black needn't be scary

For those dancing times

Style it up

Yes, I am never afraid of colour as long as it's a simple style that makes you look this wooww

Last but never appears again

1 comment:

Faith S Hilary said...

I like the black ones..and the last one(red).really nice and adorable